Plumbers and Advertising

Many plumbers will choose to revert to traditional forms of advertising to obtain work. One of the most obvious forms of traditional advertising is to place an ad in the local newspaper to spread the word about their services. One of the problems with using this form of advertising, is that many people don’t read the local newspaper any more.

Local Newspaper is Expensive.

16175616ab_fAdvertising in the local newspaper can be quite expensive and the return on investment is and always as good as what the local newspaper tells you that it might be. As a result most plumbers tend not to advertise in local newspapers as much as they use to. If you need to find a plumber in Brisbane follow this link.

Yellow Pages.

With the rise and accessibility of the Internet, advertising in the Yellow Pages has become less popular form of marketing for plumbers. As a result Yellow Pages has now got a considerable online presence and is featured in many search engines. Once again advertising in the Yellow Pages is also a very expensive alternative for plumbers seeking work in their local area.

Letterbox drops.

Many plumbers will also hire the services of a letterbox dropping company that will post leaflets or pamphlets in local residents letterboxes.  this method is hit and miss as most people will see the pamphlet as junk mail and it will just wind up in the recycling bin.


Still an effective form of marketing for many local businesses is to run a series of radio advertisements on the local radio station. You may often hear the morning radio show is presented by a specific plumbing group as you are driving to work. The only problem that this presents is that your average listener is distracted carrying out an activity and hasn’t got time to write down the phone number. Radio advertising can be an effective means of spreading your plumbing brand in your local area.

Internet marketing.

Social-media-marketingInternet marketing is by far the most effective form of advertising for plumbers  as everybody is on the Internet and will perform a search for a specific plumber in a particular area that they live in. This is by far the most effective form of marketing as you place yourself directly in the view of the person that is searching for your details.